• ”2017–2018 Influenza Season: viral etiology of acute respiratory infection in a North-East Italian hospital”
    Avolio M. et al. Poster P1116, 29th ECCMID, 13-16 April 2019, Amsterdam, Netherland

  • Arrow Diagnostics è lieta di informarvi circa la presentazione dell’abstract:

    ”2017–2018 Influenza Season: viral etiology of acute respiratory infection in a North-East Italian hospital”

    inerente al test

    Allplex™ Respiratory Full Panel Assay
    (Seegene Inc., Seoul, Korea)

    Scheda prodotto

    Autori: M. Avolio, A. Berto, M. Crapis, S. Venturini, P. Della Siega, A. Camporese

    Poster P1116, 29th ECCMID, 13-16 April 2019, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

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